Industrial Marketing Blog

How To Become A Technical Sales Engineer

Technical Sales Engineer If you're an engineer or technical person that's looking to get into a technical sales engineering position, here are my 5 tips on how to start. Being a technical sales engineer can be an extremely rewarding career path, not only from the job environment but also [...]

2023-11-15T06:02:58-06:00October 30th, 2019|

MFG Tribe TV: S1E6 ProMed Molded Products (Silicone Injection Molding)

Medical Injection Molding: Insights from MFG Tribe TV S1E6 Do you know how implantable medical devices are made? In this episode of MFG Tribe TV we visit with ProMed Molded Products, one of the leading silicone injection molding companies for the medical industry. We meet with their team to learn [...]

2024-10-02T16:48:53-05:00September 16th, 2019|

MFG Tribe TV: S1E5 SEA-LECT Plastics (Custom Injection Molding)

MFG Tribe TV - S1E5 - SEA-LECT Plastics (Injection Molding) How much do you know about injection molding and mold building? On Episode 5 of MFG Tribe TV we visit SEA-LECT plastics in Everett, WA and they give us an inside look into what makes their company great! Matt [...]

2023-12-07T12:47:36-06:00August 20th, 2019|

MFG Tribe TV: S1E4 Concept Systems (Industrial Automation)

MFG Tribe TV - S1E4 - Concept System (Industrial Automation) On this episode we visit an awesome Industrial Automation company based out of Oregon where they show us the amazing things that they're doing for the Aerospace, Food and Beverage and many other industries. Their clients trust them because they [...]

2024-10-02T12:53:30-05:00July 29th, 2019|

Technical Sales Presentation Tips

Technical Sales Presentation Tips What's your style for pitching to customers? Do you make the mistakes of SHOW up and THROW up? What is SHOW up and THROW up: This is when you start a presentation off by "Throwing up" all of your information onto the potential client. You [...]

2023-11-15T06:04:36-06:00July 26th, 2019|

Picking A Business Niche

Picking A Business Niche Do you have a service based business that you're looking to expand by offering more services? Are your customers pressuring you to offer more services so they can reduce their number of suppliers? While it may seem like an awesome opportunity, it could also hurt [...]

2024-10-03T15:59:47-05:00July 26th, 2019|

Content Marketing Topic Selection

Content Marketing Topic Selection Content is king to increase brand awareness and drive new revenue opportunities for your business, but HOW DO YOU PICK TOPICS? It's easy to quickly get exhausted on "what to talk about" if you're producing a lot of content. The goal of any content is [...]

2024-10-03T16:00:21-05:00July 26th, 2019|

Technical Sales Engineer Compensation

Technical Sales Engineer Compensation Are you already in industrial or manufacturing sales and trying to increase your earning? Did you know that it is really possible to make over $200K per year if you have the right compensation structure? I spent 10 over years in injection molding sales and [...]

2019-07-26T13:01:57-05:00July 26th, 2019|

Time Management Tips in 2019

Time Management Tips in 2019 Working through endless task lists is one of the most depressing things to do in your daily job. For some project management jobs, their lives revolve around task management... When I was listening to Andy Frisella's Podcast: MFCEO Project I learned about his "Power [...]

2019-09-17T10:49:53-05:00May 29th, 2019|

Video Marketing Tips in 2019

Video Marketing Tips in 2019: Industrial Marketing Are you looking to setup up your content marketing strategy in 2019? Are you struggling to stand out in the sea of your competitors? If you're in manufacturing or industrial services/products then this video is a perfect fit for you because we [...]

2024-10-03T17:03:28-05:00May 20th, 2019|