Effective Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses

If you’re a small business, it can be hard to keep all your plates spinning in the air at once. Marketing and advertising for small businesses is different than it is for large businesses, because you’re likely managing a lot more moving parts, and have less to spend on marketing.

In this video, Kyle goes over the best tips for keeping your marketing moving forward and keeping sales coming into your pipeline so you have the revenue to spend.

Kyle talks about marketing local small businesses. 

Kyle Milan

Kyle Milan is a well accomplished Industrial/Manufacturing sales and marketing professional with over 20 years of experience. He is the CEO of MFG Tribe (Industrial Marketing Agency) and Technical Sales University (https://technicalsalesu.com) and is considered the leader of Sales and Marketing Strategy & Social Media Marketing for industrial companies. He has published several articles in major news media outlets on various topics of; Inbound Marketing, Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing & Advertising, Industrial Marketing, Manufacturing Marketing, and Entrepreneurship.

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