Vlog 012 – New In Sales? Here’s The First Things To Do
Whether you’re new in sales or just stated with a new company, the first steps your take are the most important for faster success.
Since the timeline to close a new sales it typically lengthier in manufacturing and industrial, here’s some tips to expedite that process.
If you’ve been given existing house accounts, you need to start there first and determine how much new opportunity exists with current customers. This will be the fastest way to a sale because you already have their trust and track record of performance.
The next fastest area would be to look back over the past three years of quotes and opportunities the company had with prospects. You’ve already secured their attention and been given the opportunity to provide pricing, but for whatever reason the deal wasn’t closed. Go back and revisit all of those opportunities and see if those companies have any new projects that you can provide pricing on.

Kyle Milan is a well accomplished Industrial/Manufacturing sales and marketing professional with over 20 years of experience. He is the CEO of MFG Tribe (Industrial Marketing Agency) and Technical Sales University (https://technicalsalesu.com) and is considered the leader of Sales and Marketing Strategy & Social Media Marketing for industrial companies. He has published several articles in major news media outlets on various topics of; Inbound Marketing, Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing & Advertising, Industrial Marketing, Manufacturing Marketing, and Entrepreneurship.