How to use LinkedIn to Increase Your Revenue
What do you do when you have a client on your wish list, but can’t attract their attention to start a conversation?
If you don’t know the right steps, it’s easy to get into a sales-circle. You try different tactics to connect with decision-makers, but run into roadblocks that prevent a profitable partnership from happening.
Lucky for you, there’s LinkedIn. There is a lot of noise out there about attracting more clients with LinkedIn that sidesteps a KEY piece in connection-to-conversation process.
Brand awareness.

You must create brand awareness targeted at your ideal audience in order for them to see you as a trusted expert they want to do business with.
If you’re thinking, I do pretty well at targeting my personal brand toward decision-makers. Let’s deconstruct that notion for a moment. First, look at what strategy you’re actually following now.
Does your strategy include these top three ways to connect with a decision maker?
- Cold Calls: I know. Cold calls suck. People don’t like doing them. I don’t like doing them. But, they are effective at times.
- Email Marketing: Everybody sends out emails. But, do you send one? Or do you keep on following up?
- LinkedIn Connection Requests: Are you sending out connection requests to your influencers and decision makers in the target demographic that you’re serving?
…Hopefully your answer to that question is, “YES.”
Cold calls and emails often take the approach of, I will contact you until you can’t say no anymore. Although you can contact gatekeepers that way, it’s not nearly as often or effective as using LinkedIn to reach decision-makers.

So, what else can you do to actually have a conversation with your ideal clients?
This brings us back to building brand awareness. The most effective way to increase your personal brand is through LinkedIn connection requests. However, it’s not enough to dive into your pitch right after making a connection. We’ve all received those messages…and we’ve all ignored them.
In order to attract high-paying clients with LinkedIn, you must make a few adjustments.
1. Become a Credible Expert by Sharing Targeted Information
Once you connect with a decision-maker, they’re now in your feed. Just like scrolling through social media, an influencer will look at your profile feed before accepting a LinkedIn connection.
So, let’s give them something to talk about.
After creating a polished and professional profile, repost and share original content that’s of interest to your ideal client. This way, before they even accept the connection, they’ve already thought to themselves, “They’re the real deal.”
Your LinkedIn profile should have a clear tone and expertise tailored to your brand. You need to look at it more like a brand awareness campaign than a direct selling campaign.

2. Send LinkedIn Connection Requests to People in your Target Demographic
Keep your eye on the prize.
Some see LinkedIn as a popularity contest, but having 10,000 connections doesn’t get you a seat at the cool kid table. At least not the one with CEOs sitting at it.Instead, send connection requests only to those in your target audience. LinkedIn is for BUSINESS and EMPLOYMENT, so your feed should reflect that. If you play the game right, these cold connections could turn into high-paying conversations.
3. Leverage Targeting Exposure to Start Conversations with Influencers
You know how a dog makes their presence known? They bark, bite, tug, and jump until someone finally gives them attention.
That’s NOT what you want to do on LinkedIn.
Step one mentioned crafting your profile with conversation-worthy content BEFORE making connections. This process continues on after the virtual handshake is made.
For many people, your company website or company LinkedIn page isn’t good enough to build the trust needed to attract high-paying clients. If that’s the case, maximize LinkedIn’s full potential by producing your own DAILY content, and acting like your own boss.
Focus on pushing out content for your brand, and your company’s brand. IF the information is relevant, influencers will think, “What is it that you actually do?” and “This is cool stuff that’s valuable to me!”

This tactic allows you to be seen without directly going after connections.
In 2018, this tactic is invaluable (actually, it can bring you TONS of value). People today are doing things on their time, so they don’t want to be aggressively sold to. Once you’re on the decision-makers feed, they can access you on their time, and at their leisure.
Once a decision-maker likes, comments on, or views a post, it’s an instant conversation starter. If they don’t reach out to you first, you’ll at least have an established relationship built before you contact them again.
No matter what your current position is, you have control over how others view you and your personal brand.
You have to look at your own personal brand as being as important as the corporate brand of the company you work for. Envision your personal brand as being an expert in your space. In order to gain interest as a trusted professional, you have to do something yourself.
Although cold calls and email marketing have their place, they lack the ability to create brand awareness first. Being aggressive with direct selling often results in a CLICK 30 seconds later.
Reaching decision makers using LinkedIn brand awareness is a longer process, but your content engagement that leads to the meaningful conversations you’ve been going in circles for.
The faster that you start, the sooner that you’ll start to see results. What type of content will you post on LinkedIn?

Kyle Milan is a well accomplished Industrial/Manufacturing sales and marketing professional with over 20 years of experience. He is the CEO of MFG Tribe (Industrial Marketing Agency) and Technical Sales University (https://technicalsalesu.com) and is considered the leader of Sales and Marketing Strategy & Social Media Marketing for industrial companies. He has published several articles in major news media outlets on various topics of; Inbound Marketing, Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing & Advertising, Industrial Marketing, Manufacturing Marketing, and Entrepreneurship.