Navigating the Future Trends in B2B Manufacturing Marketing

B2B manufacturing marketing has come a long way from the days of dull brochures and monotone sales pitches. It’s true that, for many manufacturing companies, the traditional marketing playbook served well for decades. However, the shift in buyer behavior and digital transformation has disrupted what used to be the norm.

Today, staying ahead of marketing trends is flat-out essential for manufacturing companies who want to stay in the game rather than watch from the sidelines.

Now, the manufacturing sector isn’t usually the first industry that pops into your head when you think of cutting-edge marketing. But don’t let that paper over the fact that these companies must keep up with the Joneses (or in this case, the Musks and the Bezoses) to maintain a competitive edge.

Take digital marketing, for example. If you’re not on it already, it’s high time you climb aboard before you get caught off guard and left eating your competitors’ dust. Think context-aware marketing strategies that don’t just spit ads into the cyber-void but actually reach your target audience where they live, work, and binge-watch.

The Rise of B2B Video Marketing in Manufacturing

While some industries can ride the crest of the Instagram influencer wave, B2B manufacturing marketing has its unique bag of tricks, video marketing being chief among them. As industrial businesses become more digital, they’re also beginning to learn that video is the new black.

In the manufacturing industry specifically, research has shown that B2B buyers are heavily influenced by video throughout their buying journey. In fact, a 2023 B2B shopping report discovered that 49% of the B2B buying process is now happening online. Meanwhile, more than half of the buyers surveyed said they are now leaning towards digital channels (like video) for their purchasing decisions.

With more millennials and Gen Zers joining the workforce, it does make sense how this shift is even possible. If you have no plans on getting onboard this bandwagon, then you’re not just missing out on potential customers, you are also risking getting left behind by your competitors who are already creating GOATed video content to attract and engage their target audience.

On the other hand, manufacturing companies who are ready to embrace and flex their video marketing content can take some video marketing ideas from our list below:

Explainer Videos

Picture this: You’re at a networking event. Instead of stumbling through a convoluted explanation of what your new turbine engine does, you whip out a 2-minute explainer video. Not only do you cut through the jargon, but you also provide crystal-clear visuals that speak volumes.

Explainer videos offer a magical mix of simplicity and engagement. They provide insights into your products in a way that’s both accessible and enjoyable. No more glossing over complicated details; show ’em exactly what you mean!