Vlog 009 – Difference Between Sales and Marketing In Manufacturing
What’s the difference between Marketing and Sales in Manufacturing? Why is Marketing always the smallest department?
In this video I talk about the main differences and the mentality that is holding companies back from taking their marketing more seriously.
Often, marketing can out perform sales because it works even while you’re sleeping. The shift around a “brand awareness” focused approach instead of hardcore selling has been happening for the past 2 years, and manufacturing is starting to adapt.
Don’t get lost behind your competitors that are already doing these tactics.

Kyle Milan is a well accomplished Industrial/Manufacturing sales and marketing professional with over 20 years of experience. He is the CEO of MFG Tribe (Industrial Marketing Agency) and Technical Sales University (https://technicalsalesu.com) and is considered the leader of Sales and Marketing Strategy & Social Media Marketing for industrial companies. He has published several articles in major news media outlets on various topics of; Inbound Marketing, Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing & Advertising, Industrial Marketing, Manufacturing Marketing, and Entrepreneurship.