The Secret Sauce to Creating Viral B2B Content Marketing

Creating viral content in the B2B space can sometimes feel like trying to catch lightning in a bottle. But what if I told you there’s a method to this madness? Today, we’re going to break down the secret sauce behind viral B2B content marketing.

What Kind of Content Can Go Viral in B2B Content Marketing?

First thing’s first—let’s dive into the why before the how. Understanding the psychological triggers that drive people to share content is crucial. And for B2B marketers, these triggers can be boiled down into three powerful motivators: emotion, social currency, and practicality.


Emotion is the heart of viral content. Whether it’s joy, surprise, or even a bit of outrage, emotional content cuts through the noise. Take a page from the playbook of successful B2B content marketing campaigns—highlighting human stories, client successes, or even industry challenges can strike a chord. It’s about connecting on a human level. When emotion is the primary driver, your audience will be more likely to share.