Why Industrial Web Design Matters for SEO and Visibility

Countless industrial websites are lagging behind when it comes to their web design. We’ve seen many clients that come to us with pages that are hard to navigate, laggy, or just plain boring to look at. While some may think that visual appeal isn’t a huge issue to worry about, the appearance of your website matters more than you might think. Your website can, and should, be optimized to boost your SEO. Today we’re going to teach you how to do just that.

On-Page SEO Explained

When it comes to industrial web design for SEO, it’s important to consider that your website is not only being navigated by people, but also being crawled by Google search bots. It’s important to make sure that the content on your website flows well to improve readability for humans and bots alike. On-page SEO, also sometimes called on-site SEO, is one of the most effective ways to accomplish this.

On-page SEO encompasses the elements that give your website a better chance at a high SERP ranking. Most of these are visual, so those are the ones we’ll be focusing on in this article.

Header Tags (H1, H2, H3)

Header tags serve two purposes: to highlight keywords, and to break your written content into sections that make your web page easier to navigate. If you’re unfamiliar with industrial web design for SEO, chances are that you’re not utilizing these. The good news is that adding header tags is easy! When designating header tags, think of them as a hierarchy system for organizing your content, because that’s exactly how Google search bots view them.

Let’s take a look at this blog’s header tag structure for example. Our header tags look like this:

Why Appearances Matter: Industrial Web Design for SEO

You only want one H1 tag per page. This will typically be your page’s title; it should encompass what the page is about.

On-Page SEO Explained

H2 tags are probably what your page will have the most of. These tags functionally perform as headings which give you the chance to break down each key idea presented on your industrial web page.

Header Tags (H1, H2, H3)

Lastly there are H3 tags. These act as subheadings, and you can also use them to highlight individual items in a list that you want to expand on.

Be sure to use header tags to establish a flow of your web page’s content. Additionally, you want to make sure that your headers incorporate key words that you want to rank for.

Video Content and Images

What do people and search bots have in common? They both love to see a web page with relevant embedded videos.

When it comes to page indexing, search bots place high priority on video content. Videos help establish E-E-A-T (a topic we’ll dive into on the next article), which stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. If your page can demonstrate those four factors, it’s very likely to be indexed at a higher ranking.

Videos can have the same effect on your web page visitors too. A well-produced video can demonstrate your company’s knowledge in your industrial field, highlight your unique company culture, share useful information with your visitors, and so much more. There is a heavy emphasis on the “well-produced” aspect of that- if your video is poorly lit, has bad set dressing, or is difficult to listen to, those production shortcomings will drive potential viewers away instead of holding their attention. We know that video production is pretty far outside of any industrial business’ wheelhouse, so if you’re looking for professional-quality content to put on your website consider doing business with an industrial marketing agency like MFG Tribe.


The importance of selecting the right keywords and integrating them into your industrial web design absolutely cannot be overstated. These keywords are the search terms that will lead visitors from a SERP to your webpage, so they need to be integrated strategically to achieve the desired effect.

We’ve previously covered the keyword selection process in-depth, but here we will just give a brief summary. The main thing you need to know is that your keyword selection has to be driven by data. Analyze your potential keywords with an SEO management tool like Semrush, and look out for things like search volume, competition, and keyword length to determine if it’s worth targeting on your web page.

When it comes to actually utilizing keywords in your web content, you have to be intentional with the way you use them. Be careful not to engage in keyword stuffing, a practice which uses your targeted keyword as much as possible. If you make this mistake not only will search bots take note of it and bump down your site’s E-E-A-T, it will also make for copy that doesn’t flow well and drive your readers away. The best way to incorporate your targeted keywords in content is to place them in your title, header tags, and meta description, and use them naturally in any supporting copy.


MFG Tribe specializes in web design, video content production, and keyword tracking just for industrial and manufacturing businesses like yours.

Schedule your discovery call today- we’d love to chat.

Industrial Web Design to Increase Session Duration

The saying goes not to judge a book by its cover, but the fact is that you must be superficial when it comes to web design, industrial or otherwise. To put it plainly, people don’t want to browse an ugly website. A bland webpage, content that won’t load, tacky graphics, or a surplus of hyperlinks in written copy are all things that will drive traffic away from your website because they’re just unpleasant to look at.

To keep your bounce rate low, your company’s website needs to have a coherent, professional look to it while still demonstrating a sense of brand identity. As we’ve already discussed, using title tags to break up your content into easy to navigate chunks can do wonders for improving the look of your website while also improving SEO. Engaging visual content like embedded videos help too. Some other steps you can take include making sure that your site architecture and site map are well organized so that both visitors and bots can navigate it easily. Optimizing your website for mobile use is another great step you can take to increase average session duration, especially as the number of mobile users continues to rise with time.

When it comes to industrial web design, looks really do make a difference. By investing some time and care into your company site’s appearance, you can see an increase in traffic and even SERP rankings. Not to mention, a website refresh would make for an excellent post to share on your company socials.

If you’re looking for an industrial web design partner to revamp your website, choose MFG Tribe!

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