Leveraging the Most Effective PPC Platforms

Before You Start an Industrial Advertising Campaign

So, you think you’re ready to start a PPC campaign for industrial advertising. Before you begin, take a step back to evaluate your strategy by answering a few questions:

Do you understand the online habits of your target audience?

Have you selected your PPC platform based on research and comparison to other platforms?

Have you selected the best ad option to appeal to your audience on your platform of choice?

If you have any degree of uncertainty about your answers to the questions above, this article is for you. We’ll be exploring some of the most effective PPC platforms for industrial advertising, including what makes them unique, what type of content will boost your conversions, and which audiences each platform is best suited for.

The Power of Google Ads for Industrial PPC Campaigns

Google Ads, previously known as Google Adwords, dominates the PPC landscape by far. Regardless of industry, Google has the potential to serve as an effective PPC platform for any kind of business.

Here at MFG Tribe we break our Google Ads into two distinct categories for industrial campaigns: Search and Remarketing. PPC search campaigns work by putting your web page at the top of a Google search result- chances are, you see one of these ads almost every time you use a search engine. When it comes to search, we focus on gaining traction from new leads. These search campaigns are heavily targeted, with the target audience determined by a comprehensive analysis of your current web traffic. We also analyze the most effective keywords to integrate into your Google Ads to drive conversions.

Our remarketing campaigns are focused on attracting previous customers to return to your website- a great strategy for effectively raising B2B brand awareness. With both of these methods at your fingertips, Google Ad campaigns can be focused on either driving new leads or enticing existing customers to pick up where they left off.

Unleashing the Potential of LinkedIn Ads in Industrial Marketing

While Google Ads may be a PPC giant, many social outlets also double as great PPC platforms for industrial businesses. When it comes to industrial marketing, LinkedIn is one of the most effective yet underutilized platforms for building brand awareness and driving conversions. Many of the decision makers at industrial companies, whether those are members of the sales team or company executives, are plugged into LinkedIn on a regular and frequent basis. If you are running an industrial ad campaign, this is one avenue that you will want to heavily consider.

The biggest downside of LinkedIn is that it can be relatively expensive as a B2B advertising platform. However, it gives users the ability to pinpoint their target audience to a degree that’s unmatched by any other website with its in-depth audience filters. Users can filter their audience by industry, title, and position, just to name a few. By effectively targeting the decision makers at the companies you’re marketing to, you can significantly boost your conversion rates which makes the price tag a little more justified. Here at MFG Tribe we push for sponsored posts which range from $5-15 CPC and sponsored InMail which ranges from $0.70-1.25 CPS, as our work has found these avenues to be the most effective that LinkedIn has to offer.

Lastly, LinkedIn’s analytics tools allow users to see how their PPC ad campaigns are performing. These tools offer insights on campaign performance, demographics, conversions, ROI measurement, and more. These integrated solutions make it easy to adjust your approach with the data to back up your choices.

Harnessing the Power of Microsoft Ads for Industrial Companies

Microsoft Ads (still known to most as Bing Ads) may be the most unexpectedly powerful PPC platform for industrial companies to utilize. There are a few reasons for this, the most obvious of which is that Bing has a smaller user base than Google. ‘Smaller’ is a relative term though- Bing still pulls in millions of daily search queries so there is plenty of opportunity to get the right set of eyes on your ads. What’s nice about this is that competition for keywords on Bing is much lower than on Google. When you take into account that most industrial keywords are quite niche to begin with, it’s easy to notice that Microsoft Ads might be worth looking into.

With lower competition also comes lower CPC costs, meaning that you could potentially reach more quality leads with a lower budget. Tread carefully though, and be sure to regularly cross-analyze PPC performance across platforms to determine which platform gives you the better bang for your buck.

Another perk of Microsoft Ads is that your PPC campaigns won’t just pop up on Bing search results. Microsoft owns the rights to other search engines including Yahoo, MSN, and AOL, where your ads will also be displayed for no additional cost. Again, this may or may not be worth it, and results may differ between companies; the only way to know for sure is to test it out yourself.

Lastly, we have the feature that might break your industrial ad campaigns (in a good way!). Microsoft Ads allows campaigns to target ads based on users’ LinkedIn account data. Yes, you read that correctly. For industrial advertising campaigns, this has the potential to be something huge.

With Microsoft Advertising’s advanced targeting options, you can target your audience based on factors including industry, job role, and even company. If you’ve been following MFG Tribe for any amount of time, you definitely know by now that LinkedIn is THE most powerful social platform for generating leads in the industrial sector. While LinkedIn’s internal PPC plans are on the pricier end, Microsoft Ads’ rates are comparatively much more affordable while being able to utilize the same data to potentially achieve similar results. This avenue holds a lot of promise, and we’re excited to see where it can take industrial PPC campaigns.

MFG Tribe conducts a thorough web traffic analysis to find the best PPC platform for your industrial business. Schedule your discovery call today!

Do PPC Ads Really Work for Industrial Sales?

At MFG Tribe we have developed industrial PPC advertising strategies that are proven to work. Content that is highly tailored to your audience with powerful keywords can result in a massive ROI when shared on the right platforms.

We also know that an effective PPC campaign doesn’t simply end on the ad platform. The ad should direct to a landing page that encourages a longer duration session for the visitor, or in the best case really drives home the sale. A well-flowing landing page that matches the aesthetics of the PPC ad and tone of the copy can decrease bounce rates and result in higher conversions overall.

On the flip side, we’ve also done the research to discover what doesn’t work. To wrap this article up, let’s close out with three common mistakes that need to be corrected in order for PPC to start working for you- so that you can see a valuable ROI.

Improper PPC Setup

If you’re seeing high amounts of PPC traffic but low conversions, pay close attention to this one. When you’re looking to improve the effectiveness of your PPC campaigns, your focus should be on quality first, quantity second. After all, what good is a large amount of site visits when nobody is buying what you’re selling?

This is where data analytics tools play an instrumental role in improving your PPC campaigns. As we’ve already discussed, knowing who your target audience is and tailoring your ads to their needs will take you far. Rather than throwing money at a campaign and seeing what sticks, spend more time crafting a targeted PPC ad and spend the least amount possible to secure a few solid leads. Once you’ve run this test to see what kind of ads work for your customers, use the most effective ones as a springboard for your next advertisements.

Letting Your Bounce Rate Go Unmonitored

While most PPC platforms are equipped with their own ad performance analytics tools, it’s important to use these in tandem with analytics tools for your own website.

One of the most telling signs of an ineffective PPC campaign is a high bounce rate- that is, essentially, the rate at which users visit a single page on your website then leave. This can be monitored with web analytics tools like HubSpot and Semrush. More often than not, when we audit a campaign that has a bounce rate of up to 85%- ideally, this number should be well below 70%. Make sure you’re keeping an eye on the performance of your web traffic, not just your PPC campaign, to pivot when needed to maximize effectiveness.

You’re Not Applying Your Audit Results

HubSpot and Semrush aren’t just good for monitoring your bounce rates; they can also give you key insights into the demographics that make up your website traffic. While you can never totally eliminate irrelevant lead traffic to your web page, what you can do instead is fine tune your PPC ad content to act as a filter, giving you the lead traffic that you want.

PPC advertising is more than just ads- an engaging landing page is just as important. Contact us today to learn more about our industrial web design services.


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